Sunday, September 4, 2011

Test One

I GUESS (add exaggeration here) I can PLAN (add more here) to not feature spicy (no problemo) or fatty (OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) foods. Maybe this would actually be a good challenge to say...plan not to have these things at least 8 hours before bed or something like that!
Side note: remember those lists from yesterday...remember the pie I had to make...yeah...I told you I was bad FOLLOWING (what is it with me and exaggeration today?) those lists...that pie didn't get started until 1am and finally made it into the fridge around 2am. I am worried too, because as the AMAZING (gah! I did it again and this time with arm gestures) chef that made it, I didn't have a chance to test it before it was whisked off into the sunrise. I sure hope it is okay. Oh and I made 2 right...cuz I was *cough cough* LAZY (ugh) and didn't want to make the crust I bought them...and they didn't have the 9" crusts, only the smaller ones, so the filling amount was too much for one pie and BOTH (add in some serious facial dismay) of those suckers got taken this morning. NOW (some head bobbing) I will have to make another one for a girlfriend of mine. NOT that they are HARD to make (I am gonna knock myself out with my flailing arms), but I had 2 made already and we REALLY won't need more than the one tonight! *SIGH*
Oh and this sleep track thing is working...*insert crazed laughter here*
Either the 2 alarms on my phone didn't go off or I slept through them AND my bedside alarm did go off, I thought I hit snooze, BUT OF COURSE my brilliant self turned it off. I woke up just in time to clock in at work...too bad I was still at home and in desperate need of a shower. So I called in late, frollicked in the shower, played with the kitties, stopped for a Frappe....then moseyed on into work. Ya see...over here in this lil' ol' western town we mosey. (you soooooo do not want to see me pretending to wear and tip a cowboy hat right now!)
Happy Friday!
Happy 3 Day Weekend!
Happy going to a basketball game tomorrow!
Happy to have great DC friends!
*does a little dance* For whatever reason it is a complete reggae day! NOT like there needs to be a reason for reggae...EVER!
Have a safe and fantastic weekend everyone!