Tuesday, January 10, 2012

In the beginning...

To blog about my journey…or not to blog…that is my dilemma.
Really, who wants to read another blog about some fat person’s attempted journey to forge his/herself into a more healthy person?  Aren’t there already a bajillion similar blogs out there?!  I suppose there are and quite frankly, I think this blog is more for me than it is for you. So…if you don’t want to read it, don’t.  If you do want to read it…do.  I am pretty sure I don’t have anyone following this blog at this point in time anyway.  It isn’t like I broadcast that I was going to do this.
So what exactly should I write about?  What I eat?  What exercise I attempt to do?  How much water I am drinking?  What I am feeling physically?  What I am feeling emotionally?  What I am thinking? What my goals are? Are they really goals that can be accomplished?
I guess I could start with the UBER UGLY…the where I am starting at place.  I only have measurements, I am afraid of the scale and I have promised myself that I would get on it only on Saturdays and since today is only Tuesday, you’re shit outta luck.
Right bicept:     18”
Left bicept:       18”
Right thigh:       33.5”
Left thight:        33.5”
Right calf:         18”
Left calf:           18.5”
Chest:               58.25”
Waist:               61”
Hips:                70”
Neck:               17”
Head:               23”
As for the head and neck measurements, we were simply fooling around by then.  It took a lot of patience on the part of my friend to take these measurements, as I was NOT forthcoming with them.  I am 36, but you would have sworn she was wrestling a 3 year old having a tantrum in the bathroom.  The numbers may be off a little because of this too.  Eh…we tried.
In the meantime, I can hear all of the “not good food” screaming out to me to be eaten….and all I can do is try to hide.  I keep repeating the following mantra:  FUCK YOU & YOUR SNACK CAKES LITTLE DEBBIE!

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